Advanced Debugger Dialog Box

The Advanced Debugger contains all options in the Basic Debugger plus a few advanced features.


Next (Thread) Jumps to the next initiated or resumed thread. This button has the same functionality as the Next Thread button in the Basic debugger.

New (Thread) Jumps to the next initiated thread.

Disable (Thread) Temporarily disables the debugger for the current thread (see also enable).

Exclusive (Thread) The debugger displays the statements executed within the current thread only. When the thread terminates, the exclusive setting is removed.

Next (Logic) Jumps to the next initiated or resumed thread that is not executing the same logic as the current thread.

New (Logic) Jumps over any resumed threads to the next initiated thread not executing the same logic as the current thread.

Disable (Logic) Temporarily disables the debugger for all threads executing the current logic (see also enable).

Exclusive (Logic) The debugger displays only the statements executed in any thread executing the current logic.

Enable disabled threads and logics Enables the threads and logics which were disabled previously.